Saturday, September 26, 2009

Inspired by Sarah Palin

I was getting caught up on my blog reading earlier today and was reading a follow up about Sarah Palin's dinner auction on eBay or, more specifically, about a bidder who lost the auction because he was not allowed to cast the winning bid because of the rules that had been set up for the auction itself.

The blog post I was reading is here:

Ken Morris was the bidder who did not get to place a final bid on the eBay auction. Mr. Morris then offered $100,000 to be paid to a veteran's charity if former Gov. Palin was willing to have dinner with he and other people with opposing viewpoints from her own.

After her speaking engagement in China earlier this week, he doubled his offer to $200,00 because:

'Here's what's got my head Linda Blairing: Sarah Palin--who must've said our President was "pallin' around with terrorists" a thousand times--gave a speech in a communist nation known for human rights abuses, forced late term abortions, child sweatshops (thereby making products so cheaply that U.S. manufacturing cannot compete), and poisoned dog food. She then criticized the president in this foreign land for implementing trade restrictions.'

When he increased his offer, he wrote this:

'I originally wanted to post a challenge to the hundreds of readers who have expressed a willingness to contribute to veteran charities if this meeting of the minds came about. My thought was to match public contributions up to an additional $100,000. However, there are many logistical problems beyond my ability to address, so I’ll simply double the offer to $200,000and suggest to Ms. Palin that there are many people who will add to the total. The $200,000 minimum might well be something substantially larger.'

This bothers me.


For the record, I am not a Sarah Palin fan but I am even less of a fan of people who deliberately use our veteran's and charitable contributions as political footballs. The men, women and families of our military and the non-profit organizations that support them deserve so much better than this.

I would like to propose if Sarah Palin never responds to this offer, that Mr. Morris and anyone else who was so eager to make a donation if this dinner took place, make the donation anyway.

Include a note if you want that your donation is specifically because you don't support Sarah Palin- whatever.

I made a donation this evening. Being unemployed, it wasn't much but if I hadn't, I would be no better than those being complained about.

Just something to think about.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Another chore for the pre-winter prep list....

Sigh. I love nature but geez, these pillars aren't even made out of real wood....

I'm looking around for something to hang out there to make this a wee bit less desirable to this little guy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today at Cabela's

I like Cabela's. I really do. I'm an avid fisherwoman and in the spring, I can spend a whole lot of time among the rods, reels and lures and spend even more cash before leaving. (I have found it averages out to about $1.32 per minute spent looking around.)

But boy oh boy, in the fall, Cabela's becomes a serious monument to testosterone. You can start to feel it while you're still on the highway. It is tribal in nature with so many hunters coming together in one spot. It's not for the faint of heart,that's for sure.

It would be fair, at this point, to wonder what, if I knew I would feel so out of place, could possibly make me go over there at this time of year?

On Friday, at the very end of a morning drive time radio show, the talk jock as he was signing off made mention of a Firearm exhibit at the Cabela's in Rogers Minnesota. This exhibit, presented by the NRA, he said, was going to feature various firearms that had been used in movies and old westerns and if any of us old movie nuts wanted to see them we'd better get into Cabela's by closing time on Sunday.

'Color me in', I said to myself and planned a nice little outing with the hunter in my house, who I knew would not turn down a chance to go to Cabela's.

After parking the car, I received another sign from the hunting Gods to remind me, just in case I had forgotten, that I was entering serious male territory. When I got out of the car, this is the first thing I saw:

Alright then. I made some crack to myself about how if the shell fits... and we went inside.

My husband took off to look at gear and I went searching for the gun exhibit.

After a few minutes, I come across young man sitting in front of a table and I asked him if he knew where the gun exhibit was with the guns from the westerns.

He looks at me with that 'lady I've been putting up with you old movie aficionados all day' look but smiles and says "right behind me".

I look behind him and while my mind is seriously yammering along thinking 'WOW!!! Seriously?' and some other choice things, I quickly put the brakes on and the words that I forced out of my mouth were "Would you mind if I take some pictures? I was a huge Chuck Conners/ Rifleman fan when I was a kid! This is great!"

The young man (who, by the way, was one of the finest representatives of the NRA I have ever met face to face) stood up and pushed the table out away from the exhibit to 'give me room' (and that still wasn't enough because of all the merchandise everywhere), to get a picture of the whole thing, but I got most of it and would like to share it with you:

That was it. Four rifles and 2 pistols.

I'm wondering if Patrick Reusse from AM1500 was as disappointed as I was.


Friday, September 18, 2009

The Guiding Light

This is a very sad day for the soap opera daytime drama world.

The Guiding Light, which has been on the air on radio and TV for 72 years, goes dark after today's episode.

While The Guiding Light is not 'my show', I have loved the soap opera genre since I was a young girl.

Here is a copy of a note I posted on a Guiding Light discussion board and would like to share here.


I am writing to express how very sorry I am for your loss.

Everyone who loves the soap genre will miss The Guiding Light and all that this 72 year old show stood for. I don't know very many current soap fans who at some point in there lives did not see part of GL. For me, it was my Grandma's show and by golly we learned to hush and watch when her show came on.

Throughout the years, these shows we've had the chance to get to know and love have become another member of the family. We value the friendship, warmth and the safe haven it represented in an otherwise hectic day to day world.

We'll miss the laughter, the tears and all the good and bad times we shared. Guiding Light's memory will be held deep within our aching hearts.

I wish I could be with each of you to comfort and help you to get through this dark day. I think I speak for not just for myself but other AMC folks when I say that even though we are miles apart, our thoughts and hearts are with you today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Funny how things go.

While writing my original post, I heard an incredible racket out in the alley. Now this is not uncommon in the part of the city that I live in but it is unusual this early in the day.

Low and behold it was collectors of a different sort.

A couple of women with a van full of babies, were opening the back of a large old TV that has been set out for pick-up.

Upon talking to them, aside from learning more than I ever wanted to know about the value of the copper wire inside the sets, I found out that both these women had recently lost their jobs and have been unable to find new ones. As their money was running out they decided two night's ago to start 'scrappin' because they had 5 children under six years old that need to eat.

I took some cool water out for the kids, (who were strapped in the van to keep them from running around) because even though the windows were open, it was getting a wee bit warm in the heat of the morning sun.

The amount of wire these woman had jammed into the back of the van was incredible considering they had only been out for a couple of hours.

But hey Kimbers, 'What does this have to do with collecting?' you might be asking yourself.

The wire filled their heart and mind with the single minded passion that drives collectors everywhere.