Friday, September 18, 2009

The Guiding Light

This is a very sad day for the soap opera daytime drama world.

The Guiding Light, which has been on the air on radio and TV for 72 years, goes dark after today's episode.

While The Guiding Light is not 'my show', I have loved the soap opera genre since I was a young girl.

Here is a copy of a note I posted on a Guiding Light discussion board and would like to share here.


I am writing to express how very sorry I am for your loss.

Everyone who loves the soap genre will miss The Guiding Light and all that this 72 year old show stood for. I don't know very many current soap fans who at some point in there lives did not see part of GL. For me, it was my Grandma's show and by golly we learned to hush and watch when her show came on.

Throughout the years, these shows we've had the chance to get to know and love have become another member of the family. We value the friendship, warmth and the safe haven it represented in an otherwise hectic day to day world.

We'll miss the laughter, the tears and all the good and bad times we shared. Guiding Light's memory will be held deep within our aching hearts.

I wish I could be with each of you to comfort and help you to get through this dark day. I think I speak for not just for myself but other AMC folks when I say that even though we are miles apart, our thoughts and hearts are with you today.

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