Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Mr. Letterman

  • Dear Mr. Letterman,

    I guess it’s a good thing to be you.

    Not every boss who commits sexual harassment by bedding the young, starry eyed members of their staff is lucky enough to be employed in an work culture so acceptably hostile that another equal opportunist seriously expects that you will pay to maintain their silence.

    You had the power to stop this person in their tracks from using you Mr. Letterman, because you are the top, the cream of the crop.

    The same power you held over your employees.

    What chance did your staffers have of stopping you?

    I listened to your ’confession’ last night Mr. Letterman and while it was admirable that you claimed that you wanted to protect your family and the women involved, I found myself wondering why were you not protecting your family and the women before unzipping your fly?

    Why did it only matter when it might become public and should anyone really believe it matters to you now?

    What is it that makes women have so little meaning to you?

    I’m certain each woman had more value than what you assigned to them. Each one was at the very least someone’s daughter and possibly sister, mother, wife/girlfriend or just plain friend.

    I gave you more credit Mr. Letterman and it appears that my ‘prick meter’ needs a new battery.

    I wish I could join with others who, in the anonymity of the Internet are :

  • Feeling the pain you feel as a victim of circumstances or
  • Justifying that you were just doing what what people in power do or
  • Dragging in politics and that it’s somehow Sarah Palin karma paying you back.

    Sorry, I can’t.

    I’m just too angry.

    I hope tonight you don’t thank viewers for their support. Of course, if you do, I won’t know about it. Not that it matters to you but I won’t be watching.

    Not tonight, not tomorrow, never again.

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