Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why I love the internet

I was listening to a radio show Saturday afternoon that was talking about (this is my interpretation) friends and friendship are being redefined by social networking sites.

There were some interesting comparisons between friends you have known forever and still see, friends you may not see anymore due to a change in either your or their social status (marriage for example) and friends you meet, or old friends who find you on the internet via Facebook and other sites.

Having lived over half a century, I consider myself blessed.

I am lucky enough to have friends in my life who have seen me at my worst over the years and stood by me until I became my best.... well ok, since I'm still a work in progress instead of best, I'll say better.

I am also very lucky because I live in an age where the tapestry of my life has been made so much richer by the people all over the world whose path would have never crossed mine if not for the internet.

Let me give you an example. One of these people is a man who works in many different facets of media. He's a writer and an on air personality on a local TV station among other things. Not exactly someone who would ever be in my orbit, nor I his. Trust me on this.

I 'met' him about a year ago, playing a word game on a discussion board for a radio station. We then found ourselves getting into some discussions about other issues. I like to think we both enjoy our discourse.

Over the course of the year other things I learned about this man is that he is a devoted, considerate husband, an incredible father (which gives me great hope for the next generation), ex-military, an incredible organizer, loyal to a fault (Hecker), a determined researcher when he wants to make a point, a baker, kind to strangers and generous with those who have less than he does. The list could go on.

I consider this man a friend even though we have never met and unless we run into each other at Target or somewhere and I actually recognize him not in HD, we probably never will.

I heard it was his birthday this week. So to my friend, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a fabulous, fabulous day.

I'm glad the magic of the internet has allowed us to get to know each other.

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