Thursday, June 24, 2010

In the giant scheme of things, this is a small problem....

But I need any helpful suggestions.

This morning after my husband my husband left for work at 5:45, I decided to take advantage of the cooler morning air and go back to sleep for an extra hour.

The minute my eyes closed again, is when the bedlam broke loose.

The cat started yowling, the dog started barking, all the birds outside started a loud drumbeat of chirping and I hear things start hitting the floor. It was complete mayhem I tell ya!

As I'm jumping out of my bed and my skin for that matter, I reach for some jeans to toss on because in my skewed view life, I never intend to not be dressed, however minimally, when headed directly into what now sounds like an old episode of Wild Kingdom.

I follow the sound of the barking dog and now hissing cat into another upstairs room where I find the culprit responsible for all the mayhem calmly basking in the glow of the morning sunrise:

That's right. A sparrow who had decided to build her nest underneath the old air conditioner:

has somehow managed to squeeze her body through the tiny space between the windows and is now trapped. She can't seem to figure out to go back out the way she came, in true bird fashion, she only wants to fly upwards.

Her mate is in a panic, perched out on the phone line cheeping endlessly, the baby birds are hungry and raising quite the ruckus.

I can't figure out how to get her out of there. If I move the air conditioner which is hard enough to do solo on a good day without a nest full of babies under it, I might make the nest unattractive for her to come back and tend to. I suppose I could always break the glass on one of the outside panes of glass after removing the storms and screens but I really don't relish having to fix it (being afraid of heights on a rickety ladder in a busy alley, doesn't help either.) I can't help but fantasize that I could break the cable so that I have to call the cable company and sweet talk the person with a good ladder to help me ; ).... but that wouldn't be right. If this was the 50's, I could call the fire department....

Any suggestions dear readers on how to free this bird and save the next generation?

P.S. Boy one sparrow can sure make a BIG mess in a short amount of time if you know what I mean.

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