Sunday, June 20, 2010

Who is Worse at Polluting Our Shores, BP’s Oil Spill or China Knock-Offs?

Who is Worse at Polluting Our Shores, BP’s Oil Spill or China

This question was posed earlier this month by John Lawson, founder of on his blog (a blog that, in my opinion, should be read regularly by anyone who does business on the Internet, because Mr Lawson is so generous with sharing his experiences and knowledge of running a very successful Internet business with the rest of us).

You can read his original post here:

I knew immediately upon reading his question I wanted to respond and I certainly intended to do so sooner. But in all honesty, I haven't been able to make up my mind.

BP, through what's looking more and more like corporate negligence (to me), has done to America what terrorists only wish they could have. Instead of attempting to destroy our infrastructure on purpose, BP has caused what I believe is going to be a complete melt down of America's eco-system.

You can read my layman's alarmist nightmare scenario here:

China on the other hand, by continuing to send us shoddy knock-offs of darn near everything is definitely polluting us too. But, in total honesty, I'm having a very hard time faulting China even though I hate what they are doing and have for a long time refused to be party to it by spending my money on the knock-offs Mr. Lawson talks about.

China has it made. They have the manufacturing and production jobs market pretty well cornered and they make the knock-offs, exporting both to wherever around the globe, probably using some fuel provided by BP.

Until consumers of ALL nations who want to maintain not just their own identity, but their own economic stability wake up and realize that corporations have sold the soul and spirit of their own countries for the sake of cheap labor and a few extra coins in their own coffers, well frankly, we are all screwed.

If you're in America, try and buy American.

If you're in the UK, try and buy things made there.

Wherever you are in this world, try and help your part of it survive.

It may cost a little more, but it's truly an investment in one's own future.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts, I will be more aware in the future of who makes my items and from where.

    john (ColderICE)
