Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here's a quick, tasty refreshing recipe for a really hot summer's day

Nothing beats an ice cold cucumber to naturally cool one down quickly on a sweltering summer's day.

Here's a very simple recipe born of having too many fresh cucumbers from my visit to the Minneapolis Farmers Market last weekend....

Quarter 5 cold cucumbers and gently scrape as many of the seeds out as possible. seeded.

(Not so fun fact: Did you know that when you buy cucumbers from a conventional grocery store instead of directly from a farmer// grower, the cucumbers are coated with an edible wax to protect them from moisture loss and bruising during shipping?)

After scraping the seeds out, chop the cucumber quarters into small chunks and put in a small bowl.

Add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream and fresh cut dill and chives to taste.


**** It is my personal preference not to add any salt to anything, but in the case of cucumbers, be forewarned that if you add salt to this mixture it will leech the water out of the cucumbers and pool in the bottom of the bowl, which to me, just isn't very appealing!


  1. I wrote a comment and now its gone! :( I'll try again..

    I've been eating this since I was young. It was always my dad's dish to bring to a family gathering. Try adding a little bit of tomato sometimes, too. Yummy!

    Now my pregnant self really wants some!!

  2. Thank you! I will certainly add a bit of tomato. That sounds really, really good.
