Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why I'm Not A Fan Of Michele Bachmann

The person who wrote the following comment under this article

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spelled it out so much better than I ever could

Bachmann and her supporters are anti American.

Let's be honest, here is a congress person that rails against government paid health care but accepts it and uses it.

She rails against government spending but accepts the $170,000+ per year in taxpayer funded salary and millions more for staff.This lunatic would actually have some credibility if she paid for her own healthcare and gave $120,000 of her wages back to the taxpayer.

Bachmann has spent her entire life receiving taxpayer money to exist.

First it was huge sums of money she received in using the foster care system for her kid farm, the kids were nothing more than slave labor for the farm, and she got hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government to do it.

She also has accepted over $250,000 in farm crop subsidy payments on her farm from the government.

Bachmann Spent five years as a lawyer for the U.S. Dept of revenue taking taxpaying citizens to court and prosecuting them for the IRS.

Bachmann then sucked up state money as a state legislature for six years and now, now she is in the big money in another taxpayer funded job as a congressman where aside from her salary she gets millions in office support.

Saying Bachmann is against big government is like saying Colonel Sanders is against chicken. She is a career politician and waster of taxpayer money. Just another big government spender.

posted by maxga on Jul. 31, 10 at 5:56 PM

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