Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm too old to act this way but....

I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I usually don't answer phone calls from marketers. Half the time I don't want what they are pushing and the other half the time no one is on the other end.

I've learned that by answering, you are just confirming that you are a "live" number. Kind of like
replying to Spam, you just get more.

Anyway, this one company will not take no answer as an answer.
About six times a day, seven days a week, I get a phone call from 702-260-6126 and the caller ID shows Consumer Telecom.

This outfit not only calls continually, but when they call, they let the phone ring about 25 times.

Mind you this is a landline so I can't just turn it off.

So annoying.

So, tonight I finally answered it and here was our conversation:

(I'm purple- they are green)


"Hello. This is your long distance carrier, we've been looking at your records and have discovered that you can pay $20.00 less each month for long distance."

"Skype, skype, skype to my lou" I sang.

"That's wonderful! Perhaps you could answer a few questions about your current service?"

"I'm having Blue Gentian Farm eggs for supper. Yum!"

"Is your phone company the same as your internet provider?"

(Hmmmm... I guess you don't have those records in front of you after all)


"Is there some on there who knows?"

"Yeah but people have convinced themselves he was born in Kenya and has a different opinion of the Mau Mau rebellion then any "real" American even though we only became America because we rebelled against English Imperialists, so you probably wouldn't believe him anyway."


"Are you there? Any other questions?"


Perversely satisfying.

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