Friday, June 10, 2011

Way To Go MN GOP- You Lunatics!

We have a huge budget problem here in Minnesota, thanks to former Governor Tim Pawlenty not dealing with the problem previously and kicking the proverbial can down the road.

Today the layoff notices went out to all State employees because the Republicans who control the house and senate here REFUSE to negotiate and/or compromise and create a budget that can keep the State functioning.

As these notices went out, the leadership of the Republicans released a statement saying:

"There is no need" for a shutdown -- if (Governor) Dayton would go along with the GOP's budget."

Now this budget issue has been the most important thing facing all of us all year so I thought I'd share with all of you exactly what the MN-GOP spent this past legislative session working on.

In thinking about this, I got lucky. Someone else also had the same thought and put
together a list.

You can read the entire original article here:

but here is the list:

Creating a constitutional amendment against gay marriage to go on the ballet next year

Voter I.D.

Repeal the smoking ban

Eliminate background checks for gun purchases

Designate English as the official language

Bike tax

Remove the ban on increasing carbon dioxide emissions by utilities

Ban state funding of abortions

Eliminate 8 state agencies including Depts of Employment & Econ Dev, Health, Human Rights, Labor & Industry, Revenue, MNDOT, Vet Affairs and the Office of Mgmt & Budget

Further weaken a woman's right to choose with yet another abortion bill

Repeal the Next Generation Energy Act which was signed by Pawlenty

Prevent welfare recipients from having more than $20 cash in their pockets

Prohibit anyone from suing a company if you get fat from their food

Drug testing for welfare recipients

Racist immigration laws

End pay equity for women

A second bill to end pay equity for women

Bail-outs for schools in Republican areas as well as small budget increases yet they dramatically slash budgets for the large cities

Yet another abortion bill, require parental consent for teens to get health care

Logging in our state parks

Ban federal funding of family planning

Eliminate Meals on Wheels

Ban human cloning and end life-saving and job creating research in MN

An amendment to Health & Human Services bill to exempt MN from health care reform

Prevent animal welfare activists from filming animal cruelty at factory farms

Ban state payments to nonprofits

Amendment to the HHS bill to use baby monitors instead of nurses

Another abortion bill, this one a gag rule which prevents any organization that receive state funds to council about abortion services

Shoot first, show Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card later bill

MN should print its own money

Make it easier to violate licensing laws

Viking Stadium

An entire session spent hating on women, the poor, the elderly, the veterans, the homeless, gay people, nurses, teachers, science , immigrants.

Worse yet, they are proud of their shameless race to the bottom.

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