Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Time just keeps marching along...

On this day in 1901, the first American ball-point pen went on sale in NYC.

The kid down the street just asked me, "What's a ballpoint?"'

I am officially old and he might just be a future pen collector.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gosh those blueberries look so real too....

No they don't. I'm kidding.

C'mon Jimmy Dean, you're better than this. Do you really want America eating their meals off a stick in their own kitchen??

We Should All Have A Boss Like This

Yesterday, AFSCME in Minnesota endorsed Mark Dayton in the race for governor here in Minnesota.

Now putting aside my feelings for how early it is to be endorsing anyone, especially considering a few weeks ago the biggest Teamsters local here endorsed someone who hasn't even declared his candidacy yet, I have to make a comment about Mark Dayton.

Mark Dayton is someone I don't agree with all the time. Sometimes, he just seems a wee bit to out there for my taste. I've been lucky enough to meet him on several occasions, and he genuinely believes what he believes. I like that in politicians. You know,a person who actually states their beliefs and values and then stands by them, consistently? Not enough politicians like that in my opinion, but I digress.

In reading some of the various commentaries in the comment section of the articles about his AFSCME endorsement, I noticed that several folks made comment of how cowardly Mark Dayton had been when he closed his Senate office after 911.

At the time it happened, I think I developed the mentality of the crowd and agreed with this knee jerk assessment.

But then in April of this year, I read an interview with Mark Dayton, where he stated:

"I acted to protect my staff," said Dayton. "The intelligence I saw made 9/11 pale in comparison. The likelihood of an attack against Washington was heightened. I didn't communicate my decision as well as I should have, but we senators were leaving for the recess anyway and it would have been immoral and unethical to leave the staff members there unaware of the threat."


"Everyone else played Russian Roulette with the lives of their staff members," said Dayton. "I'm willing to stand alone in a decision and accept criticism later."

*the rest of the interview is here: http://www.minnesotabrown.com/2009/04/mark-dayton-minnesotabrown-interview.html

I owe this man a public apology and now that I have started this blog, here it is:

Mr. Dayton, I am truly sorry. You did not deserve the anonymous venomous wrath that I and others brought your way in our 'we don't care what the facts might be' frenzy.

I wish that I could convince myself that my reaction was due to the terror of those days but while that might be a reasonable excuse, it is still nothing more than an excuse.

Thank you for what you did. We should all have bosses who care about people as much as you do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

James Arthur Ray

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

From today's news:


Texas resident Beverley Bunn is the first participant in the tragic incident to speak out publicly about the events that led up to the deaths. The 43-year-old told the AP in a series of interviews this week that by the time the sweat lodge ceremony began, the participants had undergone days of physically and mentally strenuous events that included fasting. In one game, guru James Arthur Ray even played God.

Within an hour of entering the sweat lodge on the evening of Oct. 8, people began vomiting, gasping for air and collapsing. Yet Bunn says Ray continually urged everyone to stay inside. The ceremony was broken up into 15-minute "rounds," with the entrance flap to the lodge opened briefly and more heated rocks brought inside between sessions.

"I can't get her to move. I can't get her to wake up," Bunn recalls hearing from two sides of the 415-square-foot sweat lodge. Ray's response: "Leave her alone, she'll be dealt with in the next round."

By that time, Bunn had already crawled to a spot near the opening of the sweat lodge, praying for the door to stay open as long as possible between rounds so that she could breathe in fresh air.

At one point, someone lifted up the back of the tent, shining light in the otherwise pitch-black enclosure. Ray demanded to know who was letting the light in and committing a "sacrilegious act," Bunn said.

From Mr.Ray's blog, also today:


People are throwing out accusations and disparaging me and our mission. Yet despite that, and despite considerable criticism, I have chosen to continue with my work. It's too important not to. One of the lessons I teach is that you have to confront and embrace adversity and learn and grow from it. I promise you I am doing a lot of learning and growing. I have taken heat for that decision, but if I chose to lock myself in my home, I am sure I would be criticized for hiding and not practicing what I preach.

It means a great deal to me that so many of you have come to see me speak this week and last--that you are investing your time and energy into creating more fulfilling, successful and productive lives. It reaffirms my decision to continue my schedule and these event experiences.

I will not comment on the disconnect here other than to say, along with my continued prayers for the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones, I'll say a prayer for you too Mr. Ray.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What? You breathe through your nose? Since when?

Since today.

I have suffered from year round allergies my entire life.

I've never met a flower, pet, weed, perfume or dustmite that didn't make me sneeze or clog my sinuses. I have tried every medication known to man. Long ago,I finally quit taking them. It seemed as though for every allergin they drove off, another spore was just lurking waiting to enter and fill the newly vacated space in my head. I also had some (possibly) irrational fears about what all those chemicals were doing to the rest of my system.

That's right, I made a concious decision to go through life sounding like I had a head stuffed like a pillow.

Over the last couple of days, in an effort to take advantage of a couple of beautiful days and get some of the last summer/ winter prep chores done, my head finally screamed "ENOUGH! DO SOMETHING"!!!

Too cheap to pay a co-pay to be told I had allergies, I hopped into my 11 year old carbon footprint and drove up to Walgreens and met the person who might have changed my life.

She sold me a Neti Pot. This Neti Pot Kit in fact.

Now seriously, if anyone had told me when I got up this morning that by noon I would be pouring anything up my nose, I would have told them they were nuts.

So nuts in fact, that when I got home, I set the box on the kitchen table and stared at it for about 30 minutes.

Then I read the instructions and thought about it some more. I took the little pot out of the box along with a packet of the mixture that needed to be added to warm but not hot water.

When I tore open the little packet, I was standing next to the sink. The furry thing with super sonic hearing that lives here was sleeping on another floor of the house. She woke up, and bounded down, clearly anticipating a new food taste test experience. She must have sensed my reluctance to pour anything in my nose because she parked herself literally on my feet, looked up at me and gave a little yip as if to say,"Don't worry. Pretend you're at K-Mart, if you need a clean-up in aisle 4, I'm here for you". Dang dog.

In the instructions, it tells you when you do this, to keep your mouth open and to try not to swallow the solution even though it won't hurt you. Suffice it to say, when the big moment came, the solution went in my nose and some went down my throat. Pretty gag worthy but to put it in perspective, it was nothing compared to that junk you have to drink before a colonoscopy.... More importantly, was how much stuff was coming out my other nostril. I switched sides and again stood there, bent over the sink lost in a really weird fascination of what was going on.(The dog was fascinated too, but after the first round she chose move and watch with a wary eye from under the table as water poured out my nose)

I finished up as per the instructions and here it is, hours later and I can still breathe. One side is completely clear and the other about 65%.

Granted I need a longer trial period than just once, but the kit comes with 50 little packets so I'm going to try it at least for the next 50 days.

But I thought I'd share my experience and recommendation to anyone with a cold or allergies to try this.

Good luck and good breathing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why I love the internet

I was listening to a radio show Saturday afternoon that was talking about (this is my interpretation) friends and friendship are being redefined by social networking sites.

There were some interesting comparisons between friends you have known forever and still see, friends you may not see anymore due to a change in either your or their social status (marriage for example) and friends you meet, or old friends who find you on the internet via Facebook and other sites.

Having lived over half a century, I consider myself blessed.

I am lucky enough to have friends in my life who have seen me at my worst over the years and stood by me until I became my best.... well ok, since I'm still a work in progress instead of best, I'll say better.

I am also very lucky because I live in an age where the tapestry of my life has been made so much richer by the people all over the world whose path would have never crossed mine if not for the internet.

Let me give you an example. One of these people is a man who works in many different facets of media. He's a writer and an on air personality on a local TV station among other things. Not exactly someone who would ever be in my orbit, nor I his. Trust me on this.

I 'met' him about a year ago, playing a word game on a discussion board for a radio station. We then found ourselves getting into some discussions about other issues. I like to think we both enjoy our discourse.

Over the course of the year other things I learned about this man is that he is a devoted, considerate husband, an incredible father (which gives me great hope for the next generation), ex-military, an incredible organizer, loyal to a fault (Hecker), a determined researcher when he wants to make a point, a baker, kind to strangers and generous with those who have less than he does. The list could go on.

I consider this man a friend even though we have never met and unless we run into each other at Target or somewhere and I actually recognize him not in HD, we probably never will.

I heard it was his birthday this week. So to my friend, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a fabulous, fabulous day.

I'm glad the magic of the internet has allowed us to get to know each other.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I get it.

Things change.
Everyone wants to improve and put their own stamp on traditional things, be it in business or on cartoon charactors.
But c'mon.
Seriously Disney? Seriously?
This most recent version of a much beloved Tinkerbell looks like a .... um no, I don't want to say that.... let's just say she doesn't look like she's going to be sprinkling fairy dust and waving her magic wand to make any little girls dreams come true any time soon.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This Land Is Your Land

Today I saw an article about a new Roseanne Cash album entitled The List.

You can read it here:


The tracks on this album are songs that were on a list compiled by her Dad, Johnny Cash, of what he considered to be 100 essential country songs. She received this list when she turned 18 in 1973 and until this album was released she has never made any of the list public.

In the piece I was reading, she spoke about how hard it was to decide which songs to include on her album but clearly didn't have the same problem when deciding what songs she didn't value.

She said,"They were too gender specific or they were too much of a period piece, and I couldn't do another version of 'This Land Is Your Land.' You know what I mean?"

It's probably a really good thing I don't make my living as an interviewer.

Celebrities wouldn't like me very much.

Especially if they asked me a rhetorical question like:
"You know what I mean? "

If Roseanne Cash had asked me that question, I would have had to respond:

"No Roseanne, I don't know what you mean.

I look around and see my country, that I love, so ripped apart and polarized.

I think it would be a great idea for a singer/star of your caliber to record an album of songs that might make people stop and at least for a moment remember that we are all in this together.

You could invite artists of every kind to join you and call it

America Aid.

Instead gathering donations for one cause or another, you and others of such great talent could and should do it to lift the spirits of a weary nation."

Some 'period pieces' are timeless.

words and music by Woody Guthrie

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me

As I was walking a ribbon of highway
I saw above me an endless skyway
I saw below me a golden valley
This land was made for you and me


I've roamed and rambled and I've followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me


The sun comes shining as I was strolling
The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
The fog was lifting a voice come chanting
This land was made for you and me


As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there
And that sign said - no tress passin'
But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!


In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office - I see my people
And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me.

I love people who love what they do!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

doing plenty of wondering today

This video makes me wonder...

Why it is that the people who seem to hate government most vocally, or claim to 'not need government' in their lives because they, among other reasons, previously had a successful career as a Federal tax attorney before being elected are even in Politics...

It's a paradox indeed.

I'm wondering....

Since NASA has developed instruments that can probe the surface of Mars for water, why do we have to 'bomb' (media's term not mine, but very effective) the moon tomorrow looking for the same thing?

Anyone care to try and explain the difference to this layperson who just likes to look at the sky?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hilarious Mr Mayor Who Might or Might Not Want To Be Governor

From Twitter:

MayorRTRybak Proposed bet with Mayor Bloomberg/ Yankees win:He gets basket of Honeycrisps. Twins win:He pays my daughter's tuition at Columubia U(in NYC)about 1 hour ago from web

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'll take progress where I find it....

In south Minneapolis this afternoon, there was a protest rally planned by a neo-Nazi group called the National Socialist Movement.

This group was protesting an anti-racism workshop that was being held at the YWCA.

From the local paper's website tonight (bolding is mine):

After standing on the street south of the YWCA for about 30 minutes, the neo-Nazis --all four members -- were escorted to their car by Minneapolis police officers, followed by the 200 counter protesters.

Score one for the good guys.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Mr. Letterman

  • Dear Mr. Letterman,

    I guess it’s a good thing to be you.

    Not every boss who commits sexual harassment by bedding the young, starry eyed members of their staff is lucky enough to be employed in an work culture so acceptably hostile that another equal opportunist seriously expects that you will pay to maintain their silence.

    You had the power to stop this person in their tracks from using you Mr. Letterman, because you are the top, the cream of the crop.

    The same power you held over your employees.

    What chance did your staffers have of stopping you?

    I listened to your ’confession’ last night Mr. Letterman and while it was admirable that you claimed that you wanted to protect your family and the women involved, I found myself wondering why were you not protecting your family and the women before unzipping your fly?

    Why did it only matter when it might become public and should anyone really believe it matters to you now?

    What is it that makes women have so little meaning to you?

    I’m certain each woman had more value than what you assigned to them. Each one was at the very least someone’s daughter and possibly sister, mother, wife/girlfriend or just plain friend.

    I gave you more credit Mr. Letterman and it appears that my ‘prick meter’ needs a new battery.

    I wish I could join with others who, in the anonymity of the Internet are :

  • Feeling the pain you feel as a victim of circumstances or
  • Justifying that you were just doing what what people in power do or
  • Dragging in politics and that it’s somehow Sarah Palin karma paying you back.

    Sorry, I can’t.

    I’m just too angry.

    I hope tonight you don’t thank viewers for their support. Of course, if you do, I won’t know about it. Not that it matters to you but I won’t be watching.

    Not tonight, not tomorrow, never again.