Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Apple iPhone TV Ad

This commercial has run ad nauseum here tonight and maybe it's me, but if my partner and I "had been working on that thing for a while now", unless I'm stationed on a different continent, I'd prefer to be told (or tell) in person.

One of the slogans from this ad campaign:

"With FaceTime, the iPhone 4 is perfect for those conversations youʼll remember for a lifetime"

So you can torment you child in years to come at every holiday having this conversation:

Mom: Remember when I called you on the old iPhone phone and I could see you were alone but I asked you if you were alone anyways? Do you remember what I said?

Kid #2- I don't know how you could have ever talked on that thing.

Dad: Yeah, you updated me on that little project we worked so hard on.

Mom: No silly, I called to tell you that you were going to be a Daddy...

Sheesh Apple. Sometimes FaceTime really needs to be face to face.



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