Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Springer Spaniel Actually Caught a Bunny Rabbit Today

After taking this picture, I went in to get some chicken in the hopes that it would be more enticing.

When I came out the bunny was gone.

I'm not 100% positive, and won't be until after a couple days of poop checking, but I believe the bunny rabbit lived to feast in my garden for the rest of the summer, since there was not a trace of fur or anything else in the grass. Unless of course, my springer spaniel just swallowed it whole....

She sure looks pleased with herself doesn't she?


I'm happy to report the baby bunny is doing fine!

After posting this on Thursday, I didn't see the bunny for the rest of the day.

Yesterday, when I put the dog out in the yard, much to my surprise, the little bunny hopped out to greet her. After picking her up (again, like a kitten) the dog and the little bunny laid down in the grass together.

While they were laying there, a crow flew in and perched on the garage. The dog, sensing that the crow might be considering making a meal of her new friend, roughly picked up the bunny and ran and stood with her in the hostas, keeping a very watchful eye on the crow until it flew away about 5 minutes later.

It would appear we have a little "Are you my Mawwwwwwmm", Babe action going on here.

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