Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spider Takes Down Web

On one hand, spiders really creep me out, no doubt the result of one too many horror movies when I was a kid. Wherever there were spiders and spiderwebs, you just knew there was a mad scientist or monster nearby.

On the other hand, spiderwebs fascinate me because they are so intricate and it's impressive that a single spider can spin a web of such beauty so quickly.

This morning, like every other morning, I got up before the sunrise to see my husband off to work. This morning unlike every other morning, when I waved to him out the window, and instead of looking at his handsome face, my eyes were drawn to this...

Any remnants of sleepiness were driven out by irrational fear.

That was a big spider! Much bigger than it looks in that picture and it was sitting on a web that seemed to be just hanging in midair.

What's a big hot mess who just got up to do?

I grabbed my camera and headed outside, where I found a good size web that had clearly been good to this spider last night as far as trapping food flying by goes...

At this moment, the sun was an orange ball just cracking the horizon so I decided that if I waited a few minutes, I could get a couple of nice shots of some drops of sunshine glistening off the web.

Seemed like a good plan except the spider had other ideas. She started to dismantle the web in lightning fast time. (I apologize for the quality of the first picture, it literally took this spider about 10 seconds to take the web down)...

and off into the tree she went....

It will be interesting to see if she rebuilds in the same spot later today.

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