Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weird Connections Just Happen Sometimes

A friend of mine has a hour long radio show called The Matt McNeil Show on the local progressive radio station, every evening, covering topics of both local and national interest. Here is a link to his archived shows if you are interested :

Tonight, my friend was on fire.

He gave a passionate, rousing, oration about the seriousness of the worsening global warming and the effect it is having on the earth.

He made the point that one of the greatest causes of global warming is the greed of oil, coal and other corporations. These corporations are determined to make as much money as they can right now because they know that in the near future, the damage will be so extensive that their current practices will be outlawed. They will be forced to change how they do business, and by extension, global warming deniers will be forced see the truth of the harm we have all done.

Now usually, when I'm listening in real time, because it's radio, I'm usually doing something else at the same time. Sometimes it making supper and other times it can be a simple as perusing the morning newspaper to unwind from whatever kept me from reading it in the morning to begin with.

Tonight I was working the "cryptoquip" which is printed on one of the comic pages in the paper.

As I was listening to the show, I found myself getting more riled up with each point he ticked off.

As what little concentration I had slipped away, I realized that today the "cryptoquip" was going to remain unfinished.

I began skimming the funnies, not really feeling like laughing but just trying to balance out the sadness and anger that is always simmering below my surface but tonight was starting to boil as I thought about how fast and easily America has become a corpocracy, instead of the democracy that I believe our founders intended.

Looking at the comics was a mistake. A big one. I really wasn't expecting to feel worse.

But then I saw this:


Hitler has become a punchline on the funny pages?

What the HELL is wrong with us that not only are we willing to destroy our planet but we find humor in one of the worst atrocities ever committed against mankind?

What have we let ourselves become?

We should be ashamed of ourselves....

and then we better wake the fuck (excuse my language) up.

Quick or it really will be too late.

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