Monday, December 13, 2010

Why I love my neighborhood

We had a huge snowstorm here this past weekend. It was so bad that even the plows couldn't and (as of this writing) still can't get through to clear the roads and alleys.

On my block, our alley luckily exits onto a snow emergency route that has no parking allowed, ever, so that street was on of the few that actually got plowed.

Early Sunday morning, the Metrodome roof caved in from the weight of the snow.

Since the game was cancelled and nobody could drive anywhere, most people on my block were out clearing snow from their sidewalks. One of my neighbors, decided he use his snow blower to clear a path down the alley for walking. I had talked to him when I was out clearing my driveway. When I was done, I went inside to warm up.

I glanced out the window and saw that his effort snowballed (sorry I couldn't resist) and all the menfolk (I hate to be gender specific but it was true) were now clearing the alley! A couple of snow blowers and a bunch of shovels now replaced the Vikings game!

Speaking as one of the oldest people on the block, I'd like to say a public thank you!

These guys are angels and I am blessed to live on their block!!



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